
Cosmic view of the selected meditation
Cosmic view of the selected meditation

cosmic view of the selected meditation

The easiest way to eliminate the effect of karma is to remember the Lord.Leave the result of all karma to the Lord and be worry free. Neither are you the master nor are you the owner.With this in mind, surrender to the Divine and bear all happiness and unhappiness as God’s gift. Never forget that whatever is happening is for you own good.My child, whatever pain and suffering come to you, you must tolerate and pass through it therefore, keep your mind on Him. In the Gita, the Lord has assured us, “I am the well-wisher of all.” So consider the Lord as your own and have no fear.There is One who is always ready to take care of you. Remember, all are bound with their karma.

cosmic view of the selected meditation

  • My child, what to do! First you must forbear.
  • Every individual is subject to the effect of karma no one can avoid it.
  • It is beneficial to walk for a while after practicing Kriya.
  • When you experience ill health, instead of practicing more Kriya, keep your mind focused on the chakras.
  • Thinking of the body as yours or that you are the body is the cause of all troubles.
  • Know your spiritual effort is fruitful when you experience calmness and stillness.
  • Do not doubt that stillness will come just remember, it takes time.
  • Although the mind is restless, it will one day become still.
  • Paravastha is the state of the real “I.” Beyond all pleasure and pain, it is the state of supreme bliss.
  • The only thing I expect from you is that you will become so absorbed in Kriya that you will be atmarama.
  • I humbly request that you practice Kriya wholeheartedly.
  • The effect of kriya pranayama can immediately give one the formless state, like the sky.
  • With folded hands, humbly tell this to all. It is the way to cross the ocean of the world.
  • My brothers and sisters, remember this again and again: you must practice Kriya with love, according to your capacity.
  • If you do not practice Kriya in this way, you will not get the real benefit of Kriya. Kriya is the lotus feet of the Lord that will take you to the other shore. With this in mind, continue your sadhana.
  • The world and its pleasures are temporary.
  • Kriya generates inner fire and body temperature. Why? Because kriya itself is a form of fire. When the amount of daylight increases, if one is practicing more cycles of kriya pranayama, one will experience an increase in one’s body temperature. The more pranayama you practice in the morning, the better.
  • Observe how calm your mind is after practicing kriya pranayama.
  • Practice daily, and through the grace of God, you will be free.
  • Although you may not presently feel the benefits, when the time is right, you will reap the rewards.
  • Even if your achievement is minimal, still go on practicing your sadhana.

  • Time is continuously passing take full advantage of each moment.
  • Hence, the message of the Lord is, “Why do you toil so much in a world where there is no chance of gaining anything?” The only true happiness is in spiritual practice. Asukham, there is so much misery and no hope of finding happiness in this world. This world is transitory this we all know.
  • In the Bhagavad Gita (9:33), the Lord said, anityam-asukham lokam-imam prapya bhajasva mam.
  • Laziness, doubt, and lack of discipline are the greatest obstacles to your progress.
  • If you do these things, surely you will have spiritual progress, for God loves the meek and the humble. In addition, eat healthy food and do not overeat.

    cosmic view of the selected meditation

    Remember one thing: Do not sit for meditation too long. Practice your sadhana regularly as instructed.Avoid all forms of laziness in your sadhana.“ I tell you all, whoever does even a little bit of sadhana, his boat will be carried by me to the Lord.” I bow millions of times at the holy lotus feet of all Kriyavans and sincere seekers. I bow millions of times at the holy lotus feet of Sri Bhupendranath Sanyal Mahashaya and all Kriya Masters. I bow millions of times at the holy lotus feet of Gurudev Paramahamsa Prajnanandaji. A link is provided at the bottom for any who wish to order this beautiful book and learn more about the life of this divine sage. My only prayer is that I have Sri Gurudev’s blessing to share with the Kriyavans and spiritual seekers these advices from the great sage and Kriya Yogi, Sri Bhupendranath Sanyal Mahashaya.

    cosmic view of the selected meditation

    These chapter quotes are not exhaustive – only some were selected for this purpose here. The following teachings are from the chapter “The Divine Teachings of Sanyal Mahashaya,” from the book Sanyal Mahashaya: A Life of Humility, by Gurudev Paramahamsa Prajnanandaji.

    Cosmic view of the selected meditation